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Dawah, Knowledge and Jihad – Don’t upset the balance!

18 Jan

Frequently I hear this question asked,


‘How can one manage his time between Inviting to the Religion, Seeking knowledge  and Fighting in the Path of Allah(SWT)?

Where should one start?’


It seems a troubling issue suffered by many young

Men knocking the doors of Da’wah whilst being

Surrounded by others calling for seeking knowledge

Or for Jihad.


But why should one consider Islam as separate

Issues and then use them one against the other!


Why don’t we follow the good example of the earlier?

Muslim generation?


One would perform the Fajr prayers with the Prophet

(sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) then join a study

circle which would go on till sun rise and then

proceed to earn his living. Later on in the day you

would find him hosting a Bedouin to teach him the

fundamentals of Islam and should there be a call for

Jihad you would find him in the forefront.


All of this constitutes Islam. All of this constitutes

Deen (a complete way of life) and there is no call to

separate those issues as all of them are divine

injunctions and requirements.


They had learnt that from the great teacher, Muhammad

(sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) who told them, “Convey

(my teachings) to others, be it a (single) statement.”



So, a man would learn a Surah from the Qur’an, then

would go and teach it to his family, the neighbors

and then, may be to the rest of his tribe.


He realized, if he is to see the fruit of his efforts,

having learnt a chapter in the day time he is to stand

the night (or part of it) in prayers reciting what he

has learnt and later on implementing it to the best of

his capabilities.


He didn’t see any contradiction between this and him

working to earn his living, which is essential to his



One’s life was a continuous harmony of balanced

events, interconnected without double standards or



This is not to say that you wouldn’t find one of them

(the companions) who excelled in a particular field

which could have possibly resulted in him lacking in?

some other duties, as for example was the case with

Khalid bin Al-Waleed (radhiAllaahu ‘anhu) who is

reported to admittedly saying, “Jihad has kept me

away from (learning) Qur’an.”


There are however, some prerequisites to be adhered

to if someone for example is to preach, he is not

to preach ignorance and he must preach what he has

learnt of Allah’s (subhaanu wa ta’ala) Deen, Islam.


Also, a person who fights for the sake of Allah should

not do so unless he has learnt the necessary rules

concerning Jihad. He should know who he is to fight?

Why he is to fight? How he is to fight?


They (the companions) did not find in the above issues

contradictions or objections, to the contrary those

issues as a whole formed the particulars of their

active life.


This is why when Jibreel (‘alaihis-salaam) came to

the Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) – in

the form of a man – asking him about Islam, Imam and

Ihsaan, the Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)

having answered him, then informed them (companions)

that that was Jibreel (‘alaihis-salaam) who came to

teach them their religion, as all that represented

Deen and obedience to Allah (subhaanu wa ta’ala).


It is rather wrong for someone justifying to himself

his lacking in doing good, using this excuse or that.

If you didn’t have the opportunity to do an intended

task, then the least you can do is to abstain from

criticizing and belittling others, who have embarked?

on doing that same task.


Instead, you should be supportive, Helping with ideas,

gently advice or (at least) making Du’a for them.


Do not let Satan lead you astray by making you think

high of what you do and belittling the efforts of

others. You may find yourself looking down at someone

seeking knowledge about his Deen, because, you think,

he is engaged in unnecessary details, too busy to

find solutions to the society’s ailments, too busy

to join in Jihad.


In another instance, you might find yourself looking

down at someone who is involved in Jihad because, in

your opinion, he has not done enough effort to learn

his religion.


Or you may find yourself looking down at someone

involved in youth activities preaching to them during

a trip or at the Masjid, looking down at him because,

you think, he is too busy to seek knowledge from the

learned scholars.


Surely all those in the above examples are good doers

and the activities and tasks they have embarked on are

something each one should strive to do and if someone

lacks the knowledge of the other, then they should be

complimentary to each other and be supportive to one

another as Allah (subhaanu wa ta’ala) enjoined on us,

for the Believers should be friendly with each other.

‘And hold fast, all of you together to the rope of Allah , and do not separate’




‘And the believers, men and women, are protecting friends of one another, they enjoin the right and forbid the wrong’ (9:71)


‘The believers are naught else than brothers. Therefore make peace between your brethren and observe your duty to Allah that haply ye may obtain mercy’ (49:10)


The Prophet (SAW) said ‘The right of a Muslim upon a Muslim are six’ It was asked what are they? He replied

‘ When you meet him, salute him

when he calls you, respond to him

When he seeks advice , give him advice

When he sneezes and praises Allah, respond to him

When he falls ill, visit him

When he dies, follow him (the funeral bier)’ (Muslim)


‘You will see the believers in their mutual kindness, love and sympathy just like one body. When a limb complains, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever’ (Muslim and Bukhari)


Prophet Muhammad  said

“You shall not enter Paradise until you believe; and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not guide you to a thing? Which when done , will make you love one another: Spread the greeting of Salam among you”- (Muslim)


The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said : A Muslim is a brother to a Muslim: Neither he wrongs him, nor hands him over (to another). And whoso comes in need of his brother , Allah comes in his need ;and whoso removes a calamity of a Muslim, Allah will remove a calamity from the calamities of the Resurrection Day, and whoso conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his sins on the Resurrection Day’ (Bukhari and Muslim)

May Allah Guide us all to Truth and keep us on the straight path, and improve our affairs and purify us for the hereafter, Aameen.

War In Iraq Finally Over-THE AFTERMATH………

15 Dec

War In Iraq Finally Over After Nearly 9 Years, 4500 American Lives Lost, 80,000 Wounded & $800 Billion Spent




#1) The reason for going into war in the first place was never justified #2) The bush administration conveniently passed the patriot act, now they could tap our phone conversations, track us down, and illegally search us (well the act makes it legal ) …

#3) they say billions/trillions was lost, but like the saying goes, one man’s loss is another man’s gain!!!! While billions upon billions was lost, billions upon billions was made by others…
#4) Lives did go in vain, and many people’s lives have been changed forever for the worst!!!
#5) how convenient to end the war right before elections


OH YEAH $2.3TRILLION went missing on 9/11
OBAMA is about to sign a bill that will allow the government to lock up for life any one they think or suspect is a terrorist without a lawyer or due process. This means if you talk s*** about the government, store food in your house, own a gun or guns, demand accountability, seek to establish the shari’a, and talk about the shaytins in office….you are a terrorist and you can be locked up @ any time. There will be big riots next year, the false flag…and the martial law.

Shaytan Doesn’t Want You To Know…

13 Dec

Shaytan Doesn’t Want You To Know…


About Celebrating Certain Days

There are a group of practices that we can consider as- the twin sister of bid’ah (Innovation)

The prophet is reported to have said:

“Wa sharrul Umoori Muhdathaatuhaa, Wa kulla Bid’atin dhaialah, wa kulla dhalatin fin-naar” Al-Hadith (Sahih Muslim). Translation of the above Hadith: Every innovation is a misguidance and every misguidance goes to the Hell fire.


Like bid’ah, celebrating these certain days flourish on the twin foundations of ignorance and outside influence. Like bid’ah they entail rituals. But unlike bid’ah the rituals have not been given an Islamic face. They are followed because they are considered an acceptable cultural practice or the hottest imported “in” thing.


Most of those who indulge in them do not know what they are doing. They are just blind followers of their equally blind cultural leaders. Little do they realize that what they consider as innocent fun may in fact be rooted in paganism. That the symbols they embrace may be symbols of unbelief. That the ideas they borrow may be products of superstition. That all of these may be a negation of what Islam stands for.

But what about Xmas?

Christmas is another story. Today Muslim shopkeepers sell and shoppers buy Christmas symbols in Islamabad or Dubai or Cairo, and here in” The Good ole U.S.A”. as well. Note: To engage in a known religious celebration of another religion is bad enough. What is worse is the fact that here is another pagan celebration (Saturnalia) that has been changed in name —and in little else— by Christianity.


During joys and sorrows, during celebrations and sufferings, we must follow the one straight path — not many divergent paths.


Even the celebration considered most innocent might have pagan foundations. According to one account, in pagan cultures, people feared evil spirits – especially on their birthdays. It was a common belief that evil spirits were more dangerous to a person when he or she experienced a change in their daily life, such as turning a year older. So family and friends surrounded the person with laughter and joy on their birthdays in order to protect them from evil.


How can anyone in his right mind think that Islam would be indifferent to practices seeped in anti-Islamic ideas and beliefs? Islam came to destroy paganism in all its forms and it cannot tolerate any trace of it in the lives of its followers.


Further, Islam is very sensitive about maintaining its purity and the unique identity of its followers. Islamic laws and teachings go to extra lengths to ensure it. Salat is forbidden at the precise times of sunrise, transition, and sunset to eliminate the possibility of confusion with the practice of sun worship. To the voluntary recommended fast on the tenth of Muharram, Muslims are required to add another day (9th or 11th) to differentiate it from the then prevalent Jewish practice. Muslims are forbidden to emulate the appearance of non-Muslims.


A Muslim is a Muslim for life. During joys and sorrows, during celebrations and sufferings, we must follow the one straight path — not many divergent paths. It is a great tragedy that under the constant barrage of commercial and cultural propaganda from the forces of globalization and the relentless media machine, Muslims have begun to embrace the Valentines, the Halloween ghost, and even the Santa Claus. Given our terrible and increasing surrender to paganism the only day we should be observing is a day of mourning. Better yet it should be a day of repentance that could liberate us from all these days

Allahu Alim

Keep watchin’ T.V. & Stay asleep

26 Oct


They are afraid of the day people wake up. The Qur’an brings the heart and mind back to life like water for a plant. The elite people in power worldwide want us to be brain dead. They fear a day when people become a society of free thinkers. Evil can’t exist when society is awake. That’s why they give us 1000 T.V. channels, half naked women anywhere we go, billboards, commercials, music, sports, etc. Nothing but distractions to keep you asleep.

By keeping the masses in a coma, ignorant and chasing their desires they maintain power. Work, pay your bills, your credit card debt, drink and watch football on the weekends, this is what they want. Keep serving your evil emperor, don’t ask questions and don’t question what your being told. We are their slaves, we run their businesses, run their cash registers, sell their products, and sell the people of the world material things that they don’t need while the elite rich and powerful deep in their kufr (disbelief) lifestyle drink champagne and play golf. Sometimes people wake up for a moment when they all of a sudden realize their going to die. So the rich and famous work hard through deception to make you think your going to live forever by keeping you entertained and medicated, with the help of shay tan (devil) they have misled millions, maybe billions.

Recently, for instance, all they were talking about is this new advanced cell phone. They claim that it can do anything. It was just released this month, millions have been sold and people are complaining that you can’t make a local call without it being dropped due to a problem with the internal reception design. This is their current tragedy, their biggest nightmare. What will be their reaction when they see their fate in the end. This shows how lost mankind is.

Don’t think, watch movies and listen to music. They tell us how to dress, who is good and bad and who to be afraid of. They kill, rape, torture country after country person after person while they keep you unaware unconcerned and living in the bubble. Its like were living in Disney world, they make society one huge amusement park, fun and games music and movies.

Recently, My wife( Madinah) and I were having a conversation about the plights of the Muslim’s and it sadden me as well as her that we “the best of humanity” have falling into the snares and traps of the Shaytan. Muslims as well as non-Muslims need to wake up. The Qur’an gives life to the heart and mind. Giving you spiritual direction and the vision to see through the world and through all the deceptions in all aspects. That is why Islam and the people of truth (Muslim’s) have become the threat, so they say. Because it exposes evil in every form. They do everything they can to keep you brainwashed and asleep. But Alhamdulillah (All praise is due to Allah) we are seeing a power shift and the system of kufr (disbelief) worldwide is collapsing. They plot and plan and Allah is the best of those who plot. Its time we wake up and come to success or stay asleep until we wake up in hellfire where it will be too late.

Those who believe and perform righteous deeds will be in paradise to recline in palaces built on the rivers of Jannah’ while those who disbelieve and deny the truth spreading corruption, injustice and oppression without end will be forced to enter the fire and dwell therein forever.

People of the world, read the Qur’an and come to the truth and you will be successful. Muslims worldwide, wake up now and come back to your religion (Deen)-, the end is near, which path will you follow. The end is not far and time is running out. Every moment is a new chance and we don’t have a moment to waste.

May Allah(SWT) Awaken and Guide the Muslims and never let us lose the way-Amin !!!

HAPPY TENTH ANNIVERSARY: Do You Really Understand !!!

12 Sep

Happy Tenth Anniversary: Do you really understand ?


is the tenth anniversary of the events on 9/11. We can clearly see that the American led so-called ‘war on terrorism’ has been a miserable failure. Whichever way we assess it the war has been lost by the US and those allied with them around the world. Instead of decreasing the risk of another 9/11, the chances of another 9/11 is today more likely than it has ever been. Rather than securing Iraq and Afghanistan, those regions together with a whole host of others in the Muslim world are today vying with each other to implement the Shari’ah, engage in Jihad and to end the hegemony of the capitalist camp. In fact 10 years on from 9/11 one could almost claim total victory for the Mujahideen fighting against their sworn enemies.

Many factors have contributed to this scenario not least the fact that George Bush started the campaign with the notorious words ‘You are either with us or with the terrorists’ and that he would be engaged in ‘this crusade’. The attempt to win the hearts and minds of Muslims has failed not to mention those of the non-Muslims who have witnessed for themselves the torture, murder and oppression by those who were supposed to be the bastions of freedom, democracy and liberty.

The lies from Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Blair over Iraq meant that the only weapons of mass destruction discovered there were the ones the US and UK themselves dropped on the innocent civilian population. Freedom from torture, innocence until proven guilty and a fair trial have ten years on been replaced with euphemisms such as the interests of security, non-combatants and extraordinary rendition. Far from protecting innocent civilians from the brutal dictators such as Saddam Husain, who used to clumsily murder, abuse and humiliate his own citizens, today the US led alliance have happily taken over the role of oppressor themselves manifest in Guantanamo Bay, Bagram air base and Abu Guraib where such injustices are meted out much more openly and meticulously.

With the forced total withdrawal of all US led forces from Muslim land on the horizon Obama’s attempt to save face by making a big deal over the death of Sheikh Osama Bin Laden has also backfired by further fuelling those fighting the crusader camp who have promised at least 100 operations as revenge and by sending back a tormenting message that another 100 Bin Laden are queuing up to take over the role of America’s enemy number one.

Add to all this the ravenous way in which the war has destroyed the US economy, the many anti-war groups and bodies creating public opinion against the war, the unprecedented rates of soldier suicides, the global contempt for the US and the UK caused by the war, the spread of Al-Qaeda’s ideology among the Muslim youth like a tsunami and one can conclude that the humiliating defeat is effectively complete.

Ironically in the last ten years the biggest factor in radicalizing the youth, inciting Muslims to carry out more suicide bombings against the US and its allies and pushing Muslims towards a much more fundamental and uncompromising understanding of Islam has been the actions of those who had meant to bring these to an end. History will record that the beginning of the end of the American empire and the seeds for the re-establishment of an Islamic State among Muslims began on the 11th of September 2001.


20 Aug


The stronger a person’s connection with his Lord becomes, the more he will feel relaxed. This is why they said to Ibn al-Mubarak:

“Who are the kings?” So, he replied: “Those who abstain from the worldly pleasures.” They asked him: “Who are the lowest of people?” He replied: “Those who eat with their religion,” meaning they are hypocritical with the people. So, they do this for a bite of food or a badge of honor, or any other worldly gain. They asked him: “Who are the lowest of the low?” He replied: “Those who ruin their religion in order to gain worldly benefit for others.” One of them would describe himself, saying: “We are in such a state of happiness that if the kings and their sons knew of it, they would fight us with swords over it.” So, our happiness is greater than the happiness of the kings! And if they knew of this happiness that we had, they would fight us with weapons for it!

When Ibn Taymiyyah came into conflict with the ruler, the ruler said to him: “I know that you see the people gathering around you, and this made you greedy for my kingdom.” So, Ibn Taymiyyah replied: “Listen! By Allah, I would not pay a single dirham for your kingdom!” Not a single one! But, the ruler is fearful for his throne, and Ibn Taymiyyah is relieving him by telling him that he would never buy his kingdom…

This is all the result of the happiness and honor that they were immersed in. Of course, the people of the dunya do not understand any of this. They only understand things in the context of the world they are living in, the cars they drive, the money they have, etc…

Then, in addition to the happiness that immerses such a person…why does a person become relaxed? A person becomes relaxed as the result of worship, because this fills the empty space inside. That empty space that is reserved specifically for worship becomes filled with it. So, a person becomes relaxed when he fills himself with worship, just like when a motor is filled with oil…

Allahu Akbar !!!

Brother’s and Sister’s in Islaam let us all relax a bit more in these last ten day’s of Ramadan by tighten our belt as the Messenger of Allah is reported to have done.
In a Hadith by Bukhari and Muslim, the Messenger’s wife (Aisha) related that: “When the month of Ramadan enters its last ten days, the Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h.) spends his night praying and wakes up his family to join him, and he would tighten his belt.” Note”

This was not the right time for the eyes to get their full in sleep. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) didn’t do this alone. His whole family was involved and the hadith used the word “tighten his belt” in its figurative sense to mean an all-out seriousness of the devotion.
so let us all “tighten our belts” as we seek out” Laytul Qadr”(Night of decree). A night that is better than a thousand month’s(83 years and 4 month’s)

Jazakah Allah Khair (May Allah(SWT) reward you with kindness…..


30 Jul

The Purpose of Fasting

Firstly we must note that one of the names of Allah is al-Hakim (the Most Wise). The word Hakim is derived from the same root as hukm (ruling) and hikmah (wisdom). Allah alone is the One Who issues rulings, and His rulings are the most wise and perfect.

Secondly: Allah does not prescribe any ruling but there is great wisdom behind it, which we may understand, or our minds may not be guided to understand it. We may know some of it but a great deal is hidden from us.

Thirdly: Allah has mentioned the reason and wisdom behind His enjoining of fasting upon us, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):


O you who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious)

[Noble Quran 2:183]

Ibn Umar narrated that Muhammad (saw) said in the last days of shaban, ”O people! What comes near to you is the month of ramadhan the month of Allah (swt), this month in the eyes of Allah (swt) is the best month, its days are the best days and its nights are the best nights. This month you have been invited to be a guest of Allah (swt) and you are going to be in this month among the people of karamah (people of Dignity). Your breathing in these days will be tasbih (remembrance of Allah) and your sleeping in this month is an act of Ibadah(worship), your deeds and dua in this month will be accepted, ask Allah (swt) with good intention, ask Allah (swt) to make you fast this month and to recite the Qur’an. Remember when you are hungry and thirsty the hunger and thirst of the day of judgment. Donate to the poor and needy people, and be kind to your young and respectful to the older people. Watch your tongues and do not look at anything prohibited or listen to anything prohibited, be kind to the orphans and Allah (swt) will help your orphans in the future, ask Allah (swt) for forgiveness from your sins and raise your hands to Him in your salah. O people! Your nafs is hostage to your actions so release it by istighfar (saying astughferAllah) and your back is heavy with sin so release it with long sujud (prostration). Allah (swt) has sworn by His dignity that those who used to fulfill their fasts will never fear from the hell-fire on the day when they rise for their Lord. I have said this and may Allah (swt) forgive me and forgive you.”

Imam Ahmad : I looked in the Qur’an and in 33 places Allah he ordered to obey the messenger. And the nabi himself said “take all of your ritual actions from me”.

Therefore we need to know the nahuj(acts they did to get closer to Allah) of the salaf al saliheen(pious predecessors) understood Ramadhan.

Muhammad (saw) said “if the month of Ramadhan arrive, the gates of jannah will be open and the gates of the hellfire will be closed and the shayateen will be chained”. Therefore if the enemy is chained then we must take advantage.

Muhammad (Saw) is reported to have said “ This month contains a day is better than a 1000 months, 84 years of ibadah: that is laylutul Qadr.” [Muslim]

Muhammad ( saw) said “when Ramadhan is finished the mujahideen are prepared and the shayateen are released, so in this month you are prepared for the greater struggle.”[Dawud]

Allah (SWT) said: you are the best nation raised from amongst mankind, why? Because you fast and have taqwa..

Ibn Majah, Ahmad, Bayhaqi upon the authority of Abu Hurayrah (ra), “How many people fast and achieve nothing but thirst and hunger.”

“ oh you who believe fasting has been prescribed for you, like those before you, so that you may manufacture the taqwa: 2:183[ Al-Qur’an] Abdullah Ibn Abaas (ra) said “whenever we heard : ya ahu hal lathani, we knew this was an order coming: [ elaboration on the meaning of taqwa]

In another narration Muhammad (saw) said, “There is one organ in the body if it becomes good the whole body will become good and if it becomes bad then the whole body will become bad, that organ is the heart.” Imam At-taybi said regarding the heart that, “The tongue is the khalifah (translator) of the heart.”

Muhammad (saw) said, “Some people will be oppressors in the wudu and dua.” The one who will be oppressive in his dua will be the one who will say, “May Allah (swt) give me the right side of jannah” And the one who will be oppressive in his wudu will be the man who will do extra in the wudu (that is not necessary).

[Note: Ghusl is recommended for every night of ramadhan]

This is the month, my dear brothers and sisters, even if you fast the whole of your life you will never be able to claim back one day of ramadhan. It is a special reward for that time; consequently, we therefore need to prepare more than just chicken and rice!

Abu Hurayrah (ra) narrated that Muhammad (saw) said, “If the month of ramadhan arrives, the gates of paradise will be opened and the gates of hell-fire will be closed and the shaytan will be chained.” [buckari, muslim]

When we say that the shaytan are chained, you are claiming back your iraadah,(choice) you are manufacturing the taqwa, Allah (swt) says in [2:183], “O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed upon you as it was prescribed before you so that you may attain taqwa.”

Muhammad (saw) said, “The taqwa is here (and he pointed to his heart).”

Abdullah Ibn Masoud once said to bilal (ra), “Did you attain taqwa in ramadhan?” And he replied, “Indeed and I got much more as well.” So the sahabah used to check with each other. So you want to make sure your taqwa has increased after ramadhan not decreased! Muhammad (saw) said, “When ramadhan is finished the mujahideen are prepared and the shaytan are unchained.” So for the mujahideen it is preparation. [Abu Dawood]

What does this mean? Muhammad (saw) said, “The mujahid will fight on the battlefield with his good deeds.” The mujahid will therefore go to the battlefield with his da’wah, salah, commanding good and forbidding evil etc.[ Ibn Majah]

Muhammad (saw) said, “This month contains one day better than 1000 months whoever misses it will miss everything.”

Ahmad, Muslim, Daarimi, Muhammad (saw) said, “The first third of ramadhan is mercy (rahma), the second third of ramadhan is forgiveness and the last third is saving from the hell fire.” All of the goodness my dear Muslims is in the ramadhan, that is why the predecessors used to make dua to reach the ramadhan.

Muhammad (saw) said: “Every son of Adam (he) makes mistakes but the best of man (he) repents”.

May Allah increase us in understanding (Amin). Let our Wasiliyah be:

“ to get closer to Allah, increased reward, laylatul Qadr” this Ramadhan…….

Allahu ‘Alim


25 Jul

Ask yourself: if the Prophet was with us today, If he spoke the same words and lived the same way,If he returned with the same message to relay, How long would the forces of the world let him stay?

Back then, he taught humankind to: ‘Bow down to none, No idol, no tyrant, no oppressive nation, Keep your heart and mind free from their domination, True power is with Allah(SWT), so don’t fear anyone!’

Quraysh let him be so long as he was benign, And to his message, they thought that few would incline, But when he preached openly, would not bend his spine, The state turned against him, for he had crossed the line;

At first, they rushed to him seeking some compromise, They’d give him the mic if he just ceased to chastise, The ills around him they feared he would neutralize, But he would not clothe his words in any disguise;

And he persisted in making more minds aware, Of society’s false gods of which to beware, Of the tyrants of Earth, so the state could not bear, And his “freedom of speech” vanished into thin air;

Choking him as he prayed, they tried suffocation, Then imposed three years of economic sanction, Signed off authorizing his assassination, He was hunted in his land, forced to migration;

To track down this “radical”, the vast land they’d comb,Abu Jahl led the pack, his mouth frothing with foam, Put him on a ‘Wanted’ list in his own home, Like Jesus Christ before him at the hands of Rome;

And the Romes of today at whose hands we’re abused, Who preach to us values from which they’re self-excused, How similar the tools of repression they used, The tyrants of past and present are ever fused;

Today, he’d see us consumed by the same fires, With the gods in our hearts these worldly desires, And the gods of the Earth nations and empires, Headed by killers and professional liars;

He laid siege to Qaynuqa’ for one woman’s fear, So what would he say to those who gang-raped ‘Abeer?Muffled ‘Aafia’s screams as she shed tear after tear? And occupy Muslim countries year after year?

He’d come back to remind us to: ‘Bow down to none, No idol, no tyrant, no oppressive nation, Keep your heart and mind free from their domination, True power is with Allah(SWT), so don’t fear anyone!’

In a repeat of that reality uncouth, Imagine he stood and struggled for the same truth, And had the same impact on society’s youth, Would they not once again fight this man nail & tooth?

Of course, they’d first test him to see what he’s about, Would he stay true like before, or would he sell out? Would fear of the state instill in his mind some doubt? No doubt, he’d be a mountain shaking off their clout;

In an era where his inheritors deprave, The trust of their knowledge so their skins they would save, He’d be and inspiration for every field slave, Craving an example of the fearless and brave;

Their think-tanks would scramble to counter his appeal, Find scholars for dollars with whom to make a deal, To persuade us: ‘The Prophet is just full of zeal, Grieving injustices – quote – “perceived” and not real!’

They’d wiretap him as he said: ‘Bow down to none, No idol, no tyrant, no oppressive nation, Keep your heart and mind free from their domination, True power is with Allah(SWT), so don’t fear anyone!’

Then they’d name him on a federal indictment, American court would charge him with incitement, Through Surat at-Tawbah – marked ‘Criminal Statement’ Khalid bin al-Walid as his co-defendant;

They’d say he conspired from the North to South Pole, And seek a life sentence with no chance of parole, In a bright orange suit on lockdown in the Hole, Such do they treat those spirits they cannot control;

Like the rest of us who have committed no crime, But to be a proud Muslim at this point in time, As the war on his message has reached its full prime, Giving those who live by it more mountains to climb;

When they saw that in this message he would persist, They would designate him a global terrorist, And just like Quraysh, they would pound an angry fist, Before placing his name on their own target list;

Over the skies of Madinah, they’d send a drone, Distribute ‘Wanted’ posters with his bearded face shown, Talk to local tribes, make the reward money known, For those who capture or kill him and retrieve each bone;

They’d study Badr and Uhud, learn his strategy, And profile those who pledged to him under the Tree, Try to identify his ‘Number Two’ and ‘Three,’ Is it Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthman, or ‘Ali?

To the Prophet’s Mosque, they’d send an entire brigade, To round up the Ansar who had given him aid, To kick down his family’s door in a night raid, To make him the target of their final crusade;

Because his message would still be: ‘Bow down to none, No idol, no tyrant, no oppressive nation, Keep your heart and mind free from their domination, True power is with Allah(SWT), so don’t fear anyone!’

Imagine if the Prophet was with us today, If he spoke the same words and lived the same way, If he returned with the same message to relay, They’d reserve him a cell at Guantanamo Bay …

Khalid Ibn Rashid (aka Rasheim Ibn Abdul Al-amin) /


FOOTNOTES:1.) Abeer Qasim al-Janabi, a 14-yr old Iraqi girl who was gang-raped, beaten, shot, and burned along with her parents and siblings by American soldiers in March of 2006, south of Baghdad. (May Allah have Mercy on them)2.) Referring to the hadith: “The scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets.”3.) Referring to the Pledge of Ridwan given under a tree on the day of Hudaybiyah, as mentioned in Surat al-Fath, v.18.

Special Thanks: (Shukron) Jazakah Allah Khair to a pious Sudanese brother(You know who you are!!!)




Salah: The Purpose Of Life

29 Jun


Man has taken many journeys throughout time. But there is one journey that nobody has ever taken-except one.

On a vehicle no man has ever ridden, through a path no soul has ever seen. To a place no creation has ever before set foot. It was the journey of one man to meet the Divine. It was the journey of Muhammad , prophet of God, to the highest heaven. It was al Isra’ wal Mi’raj (the magnificent journey).

On that journey, Allah took his beloved prophet to the seventh heaven – a place not even angel Jibreel could enter. In the Prophet’s mission on earth, every instruction, every commandment was sent down through angel Jibreel – except one.

There was one commandment so important that rather than sending angel Jibreel down with it, Allah brought the Prophet up to Himself. That commandment was salah (prayer).

When the prophet was first given the command to pray, it was to be 50 times in a day. After asking Allah to make it easier, the commandment was eventually reduced to five times a day, with the reward of the 50.

Reflecting upon this incident, scholars have explained that the process of going from 50 to five was a deliberate one, intended to teach us the true place salah should hold in our lives. Imagine for a moment actually praying 50 times a day.

Would we be able to do anything else but pray? No. And that’s the point. What greater way than that to illustrate our life’s true purpose? As if to say salah is our real life; all the rest that we fill our day with … just motions.

And yet, we live as if it’s exactly the opposite.

Salah is something we squeeze into our day, when we find time – if that. Our ‘lives’ don’t revolve around salah. Salah revolves around our ‘lives.’ If we’re in class, salah is an afterthought.

If we’re at the mall, the Macy’s sale is more urgent. Something is seriously wrong when we put aside the very purpose of our existence in order to watch a basketball game.

And that is for those who even pray at all. There are those who have not only put aside their life’s purpose but have abandoned it completely.

What we often don’t realize about the abandonment of salah is this: No scholar has ever held the opinion that committing fornication makes you a disbeliever. No scholar has ever held the opinion that stealing, drinking or taking drugs makes you a disbeliever. No scholar has even claimed that murder makes you a non-Muslim.

But, about salah, some scholars have said he who abandons it is no longer Muslim.

This is said based on a hadith such as this one: “The covenant between us and them is prayer, so if anyone abandons it, he has become a disbeliever.” [Ahmad]

Imagine an act so egregious that the prophet would speak about it in such a way. Consider for a moment what Satan did wrong. He didn’t refuse to believe in Allah. He refused to make one sajdah (prostration). Just one. Think of all the sajdahs we refuse to make. Ponder the seriousness of such a refusal. And yet, think how lightly we take the matter of salah.

Salah is the first thing we will be asked about on the Day of Judgment, and yet it is the last thing on our mind. The Prophet said: “The first thing which will be judged among a man’s deeds on the Day of Resurrection is the Prayer. If this is in good order, then he will succeed and prosper, but if it is defective, then he will fail and lose.” [Tirmidhi]

On that Day, the people of paradise will ask
those who have entered Hellfire why they have entered it.
And the Qur’an tells us exactly what their first response will be:
“What led you into Hell Fire? They will say:
‘We were not of those who prayed.’ ” (Qur’an 74:42-43)

How many of us will be among those who say “We were not of those who prayed, or we were not of those who prayed on time, or we were not of those who made prayer any priority in our lives?”

Why is it that if we’re in class or at work or fast asleep at the time of Fajr and we need to use the restroom, we make time for that? In fact, the question almost sounds absurd. We don’t even consider it an option not to. And even if we were taking the most important exam of our lives, when we need to go, we will go.


Because the potentially mortifying consequences of not going makes it a non-option. There are many people who say they don’t have time to pray at work or school or while they’re out. But how many have ever said they don’t have time to go to the bathroom while at work or school? How many of us just don’t feel like waking up at Fajr time if we need to use the bathroom, and choose instead to wet our bed?

The truth is we’ll get out of bed, or leave class, or stop work, to use the bathroom, but not to pray.

It sounds comical, but the truth is we put the needs of our body above the needs of our soul. We feed our bodies, because if we didn’t, we’d die.

But so many of us starve our souls, forgetting that if we are not praying, our soul is dead. And ironically, the body that we tend to is only temporary, while the soul that we neglect is eternal.